Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cycling with the Joshua School

Another bright and beautiful day began with volunteers from the Metro State Basketball and Softball teams helping out some very special kids on a cycling trip.

Once again, Bob Matter of Assisted Cycling Tours, lead a group of kids, and our volunteers, on a ride around the south part of the metro area.

The kids today were younger that yesterday (elementary aged) an all attend the Joshua School, a non-profit educational center for children with autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and other developmental challenges.

About the Joshua School

The Joshua School is a private, non-profit school and resource center for individuals with autism, Asperger’s syndrome, or other special needs, and their families. We are committed to building a community that offers the highest level of care and individual instruction for students, the most comprehensive array of services, and the strongest level of outreach and education regarding autism spectrum disorders (ASD) for the greater Colorado community.
Located in Denver, Colorado, The Joshua School serves children 5 to 18 years of age. Our highly dedicated, passionate, and knowledgeable faculty have years of expertise in the fields of autism, education, special needs, OT, Speech, and others. We strive for balance in our approach, understanding that each student is unique and complex with varied interests, talents, and challenges. By taking the time to know our students, we build bonds with them and their families. In this structured, challenging, and encouraging environment, students discover themselves and the world around them.

(Retrieved August 26, 2008 from http://www.joshuaschool.org/)

Jason Gruhl, Director of the Joshua School, hopes to open an early intervention program for younger children as well, as young as 2 and a half. The school is proud to sponsor weekly outings in the community for the children.

Please check out the Joshua School Website at http://www.joshuaschool.org/ for more information on the wonderful opportunities they provide for children and their families.

Also, don't forget Bob and his fabulous non-profit, Assisted Cycling Tours. Be sure to check out the website at http://www.assitedcyclingtours.org/.

We are so proud to see so many Metro Students and staff coming out to support the community, and look forward to meeting more wonderful people throughout the week.

Look for more great stories of community service to come, including Project CURE, Colorado Youth at Risk, Friends of Dinosaur Ridge, and the Denver Dumb Friends League/Buddy Center.

Special thanks to...

Assistant Athletics Director Jill McCartney and her friend Bob Gunther.

Student Volunteer Nikkita Mostashiry and Director of Student Activities, Brooke Dilling.
The Metro State Girls Basketball team, including Coach Linda Lapp, Assistant Coach Tyler Cline, students Alyssa Benson and Megan Sinclair.

The Metro State Girls Softball Team including Coach Jen Fisher, Assistant Coach Vanessa Becerra, students Amber Roundtree and Danni Hedstrom.

And once again, thanks to the pillars in our community, Jason Gruhl, Director of the Joshua School and Bob Matter, founder of Assisted Cycling Tours.

Check out the some footage of today's event:

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